Past Programs
CSBDF partners with local and state agencies to administer special business financing and technical assistance programs. Learn more about the programs we operated in partnership with the City of Charlotte, the City of Raleigh, and the State of North Carolina.
Oak City Biz Labs
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses of all sizes grappled with significant challenges to their operations and vitality, but small businesses had the hardest time bouncing back.
To help small businesses and entrepreneurs recover from the pandemic, CSBDF and the City of Raleigh partnered to offer Oak City Biz Labs, a technical assistance and funding program.
RETOOL NC was launched in late 2020 to help state-certified women- and minority-owned businesses disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants up to $25,000 were awarded to select certified small and underutilized businesses to help them pivot to accommodate industry changes brought on by the pandemic.
Under the leadership of the NC Department of Administration Office for Historically Underutilized Businesses, CSBDF and The Institute partnered to administer RETOOL NC.

Ron Simmons
Master Blend Family Farms
RETOOL NC Recipient
Charlotte Small Business Ecosystem Grant

The economic landscape for small businesses changed rapidly in the months following the worst of the pandemic's affects. Thanks to a grant from the City of Charlotte, CSBDF was able to administer the Charlotte Small Business Ecosystem Grant, a program that connected Charlotte businesses to customized technical assistance and financial resources.