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Advocating for WNC’s Small Business Community


On September 27, 2024, Hurricane Helene struck Western North Carolina (WNC), causing extensive flooding, mudslides, and downed trees that damaged roads, homes, power lines, and water treatment facilities. As a result, thousands of small businesses experienced significant physical damage, were without utilities for extended periods of time, and were unable to serve local customers and seasonal tourists.

Carolina Small Business Development Fund (CSBDF), a statewide Community Development

Financial Institution (CDFI), has conducted an online survey of roughly 140 WNC entrepreneurs that are clients of its Western Women’s Business Center (WWBC). The primary purpose of the survey is to document the hurricane’s effects on small businesses and provide recommendations for policymakers. As thousands of businesses have already closed and thousands more are at risk of shuttering their doors permanently, swift action will be required to minimize damage to the regional and state economies. This brief summarizes the survey’s key findings.

Read the results:

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