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Carolina Small Business Development Fund is a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), and we’re passionate about supporting small businesses in underserved communities. We serve small business owners from all walks of life and at all stages of their entrepreneurial journey.


As a small business advocate, accessible funding resource, and trusted business guide and partner, we’re proud to operate several programs that are geared towards helping entrepreneurs build the business of their dreams.

About Our Programs


Our dedicated team of Business Solutions Officers are available to provide entrepreneurs with free one-on-one coaching and technical assistance designed to help existing and emerging business grow and thrive. Our Business Solutions Officers can help small business owners get loan-ready and access the capital necessary to expand, scale, and/or elevate their business. 


If you are interested in learning about business capital, our available loan products, and/or in speaking with a Business Solutions Officer, please visit the Loans section of our website, or complete this business solutions request


To receive an individualized technical assistance and coaching plan, please complete this business assessment request













We are also proud to offer business development assistance through our free Vivid Digital Classroom. Vivid offers courses in both English and Spanish, and covers a variety of subjects, including marketing, financial management, capital access, and more.



Programa Empresarial Latino is designed to provide lending services, technical assistance, and business management tools to help Latino entrepreneurs and to support the Latino community in North Carolina in overcoming barriers to accessing business development resources.

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The Western Women’s Business Center (WWBC) is committed to providing women entrepreneurs with one-on-one assistance, in-depth business counseling, educational opportunities, and access to capital. WWBC serves women and minority entrepreneurs in 22 counties in Western North Carolina.


Learn more about our past funding and technical assistance programs.


“Carolina Small Business Development Fund trusted me and helped me achieve my dream of having my own business. Four years later, they continue to trust me since I was approved to receive another loan to expand my business and buy new machinery. They continue to be a light at the end of the tunnel, and I am very grateful for that. Thank you!”


- Martin Morales, Sunbird Window Cleaning

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